Thursday, November 18, 2010

Relationships... Complicated or Easy??

Relationships can be anything BUT easy! Anyone who has been in a relationship long enough know that it can be compared to being on a rollacoaster ride,so many twists and turns.Relationships teach us lessons that we need to be taught,including ones that leave scars for life.We have to take the good and the bad as it comes.If we don't, than our lives will be just one miserable experience and I,for one, REFUSE to let any experience mishape the good person that I am and that includes relationships.

So here's my story....
I started dating when I was 17 years young.Like any teenager in high school,I had this fairy tale in my mind about marrying the first guy I fell in love with.Well,I met the guy who later became my first boyfriend,my first long distance relationship,my first love.He lived in Chicago and I lived in Newark.At the time,distance wasn't that big of an issue because when you're in love,anything goes. Everything,to me,seemed perfect.But I should have listened to my ex best friend who kept telling me I shouldn't be naive and just think my bf at the time was being faithful;but since i was completely innocent and I loved my bf, I didn't even harbor the idea of him being unfaithful to me.Two years later, I found out everything he was doing behind my back and I broke up with him.That was my first heart break.He made me feel insecure about myself.I felt like no other person could love me the way he did......
But here I am, alive and in love again with a MAN who would give me the world if he could.He's taught me how to value myself and gave me confidence to do better for myself.
Never let anyone define the person that you are on the inside. LADIES,don't let any man make you doubt yourself! MEN, don't let any woman make you feel like you're not good enough! Heartbreaks just serve us better to remind us that we're all human and that we all feel pain, but we can take this pain and turn it into something positive for ourselves.Don't date anyone who is not willing to make you a priority,who makes you cry, who makes you feel insecure about the way you look,who is talking to 20 other ladies or guys beside yourself,who has no intention of getting serious with you, who rather text in front of you when you're speaking,who has NO respect for you, and these are just a few. As my best friend told me, relationships can be compared to having a baby: it must be cherished and attended to so that it can grow stronger every day.
The following are two of my favorite quotes about relationships:
"A relationship is like a rose. How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh. To have it leave, you'd rather die. You hope you've found that special rose, cause you love and care for the one you choose." - Rob Cella

"Don't rush into any kind of relationship. Work on yourself. Feel yourself, experience yourself and love yourself. Do this first and you will soon attract that special loving other." - Russ Von Hoelscher


  1. i can soo i cud have wrote this myself...but yeaa i agree.....also sometimes you have to go thru the very bday relationships to make you appreciate a good one


  2. Wow, that was really nice! I'm happy for you!

  3. Thank you,lisaaa818! =)

  4. Thank you,Meme,for the support!
