Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Quarter,A New Beginning

So today was the first official beginning of all classes at Berkeley College.I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm definitely happy to be back in class where I can put my mind to good use. It's always good to see new students and it's always a pleasure to see my fellow classmates who have been with me since I started in the fall of 2008(yes,it'll be 3 years since I started at BC).Since I am realizing that I will hopefully be graduating next year, I'm starting to reflect more on what kind of career will make me happy and useful to my community. I think that's the same for everyone else graduating next year with me.However, for now, I'm enjoying the time I have with my friends at school and focusing on my studies.

Now,I just want to fill in everyone on the activities that will be going on on campus.The following are the fliers for those activities.So I hope everyone gets involved especially in the blood drive and the "God's Love We Deliver"programs. I know many people are AFRAID of needles but it's for a very AMAZING cause! I have been donating blood since I have started at BC,unfortunately I can't at the moment, but If I had the chance I wouldn't think twice about possibly saving someone's life.SO PLEASE SIGN UP TO DONATE & SAVE A LIFE!
All these activities are great for all new students so you can get to know one another and meet new people.It's a great socializing experience and you won't regret.I have come to know for a fact that the friends you make in college are usually the ones you'll remain friends with for a lifetime=)

As this new quarter is beginning, I hope everyone is determined to keep their grades up and to try to attend every class possible.I understand incidents may come up where we won't be able to make it to class,but please attend the ones you can.Many professors deduct points from your overall grade which gives you a grade less than you should have attained. Same goes for all the homework.HOMEWORK IS VERY IMPORTANT TO YOUR FINAL GRADE! If there are things you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask the professor because that's exactly what they are there for.They don't expect us to understand everything.IT'S OK TO ASK QUESTIONS WHEN YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Keep track of all the homework assignments and their due dates.Remember to study for all quizzes and exams( these are the most important ones)!If you need help studying, get together with another fellow student or friend who understands the topic better than you do.Try not to stress about assignments and exams.I stress but when I do, I try different methods. For example:
  • take a break!
  • go walk outside for a little bit
  • get something to drink
  • eat a candy or anything with sugar so you will have energy
  •  take a nap
  • meditate
  • try yoga


Don't forget to read and follow!

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